IP address details



IP Owner T-Mobile Austria GmbH ORG-CBG1-RIPE
Network AT-TELEKABEL-20130917
Owner IP Range 2a00:e360::2a00:e360:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
Owner CIDR 2a00:e360::/32
ASN AS8412
Name TMA
Description Magenta Telekom Rennweg 97-99 A-1030 Vienna
Organisation T-Mobile Austria GmbH ORG-MTSG1-RIPE
Range 2a00:e360::2a00:e360:7fff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff
CIDR 2a00:e360::/33
Name Placeholder Person ObjectDUMY-RIPE
Address RIPE Network Coordination Centre P.O. Box 10096 1001 EB Amsterdam The Netherlands
Phone +31 20 535 4444
Name Placeholder Person ObjectDUMY-RIPE
Address RIPE Network Coordination Centre P.O. Box 10096 1001 EB Amsterdam The Netherlands
Phone +31 20 535 4444