IP Owner | This network range is not allocated to APNIC. |
Owner Address | , If your whois search has returned this message, then you have, searched the APNIC whois database for an address that is, allocated by another Regional Internet Registry (RIR)., , Please search the other RIRs at whois.arin.net or whois.ripe.net, for more information about that range. |
Network | IANA-NETBLOCK-38 |
Owner IP Range | — |
Owner CIDR | |
ASN | AS32945 |
Name | TEK-NET-AS1 |
Description | 451 S. Brand Blvd #207 San Fernando CA 91340 United States |
Organisation | |
Range | 2602:fd8c:: — 2602:fd8c:fff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff:ffff |
CIDR | 2602:FD8C::/36 |